Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC Sponsors the Xavier College Prep “X” Breakfast

by Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC  |  09/23/2021  |  News

Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC is proud to once again have sponsored the Xavier College Prep “X” Breakfast – held Thursday, September 23, 2021. The “X” breakfast is a fundraising event developed to raise scholarship funds.

Historically, the college prep does not deny admission based on financial ability, and through its fundraising efforts, provides educational access to students from broad socio- and financial spectrums. In 2021, nearly 45% of Xavier students received some form of financial assistance.

Murphy Cordier Casale Axel PLC has a long-standing affiliation with the college prep as the firm’s membership team have either sent daughters to the school or is an alumna. Bryn Murphy, daughter of name partner Rich Murphy, is currently a student at the school.